Home Sweet Home - Wo das Böse wohnt
Thomas SiebenSchauspieler:
David Kross, Nilam Farooq, Justus von Dohnányi, Karl Schaper, Olga von LuckwaldEigentlich läuft für Maria (Nilam Farooq) und Viktor (David Kross) gerade alles perfekt: Sie sind frisch verlobt, erwarten ihr erstes gemeinsames Kind und ziehen in das große Landhaus, in dem Viktor groß geworden ist. Als die hochschwangere Maria allerdings einen Abend allein in dem entlegenen Haus verbringen muss, ereignen sich seltsame Dinge. Viktor muss lange arbeiten und Maria versucht sich währenddessen mit ihrem neuen Zuhause anzufreunden, das ihr immer noch einen Schauer über den Rücken laufen lässt. Anfangs hält sie die seltsamen Vorkommnisse wie Stromausfall und mysteriöse Geräusche aus dem Keller für Zufall. Doch die Ereignisse werden immer schlimmer und so langsam muss sie einsehen, dass sie und ihr Baby dort nicht sicher sind. Als dann auch noch die Wehen einsetzen und die Autoschlüssel auf merkwürdige Weise verschwinden, wird die Nacht zum Albtraum. Welche düsteren Geheimnisse birgt das Haus und was hat Viktors Familie zu verbergen?
Actually, everything is going perfectly for Maria and Viktor: They are newly engaged, expecting their first child together and are moving into the large country house where Viktor grew up. However, when the heavily pregnant Maria has to spend an evening alone in the remote house, strange things happen. Viktor has to work long hours and Maria tries to get used to her new home, which still sends shivers down her spine. At first she thinks the strange occurrences such as power outages and mysterious noises from the basement are coincidence. But events get worse and worse and she slowly has to realize that she and her baby are not safe there. When contractions begin and the car keys mysteriously disappear, the night becomes a nightmare. What dark secrets does the house hold and what does Viktor's family have to hide?
Actually, everything is going perfectly for Maria and Viktor: They are newly engaged, expecting their first child together and are moving into the large country house where Viktor grew up. However, when the heavily pregnant Maria has to spend an evening alone in the remote house, strange things happen. Viktor has to work long hours and Maria tries to get used to her new home, which still sends shivers down her spine. At first she thinks the strange occurrences such as power outages and mysterious noises from the basement are coincidence. But events get worse and worse and she slowly has to realize that she and her baby are not safe there. When contractions begin and the car keys mysteriously disappear, the night becomes a nightmare. What dark secrets does the house hold and what does Viktor's family have to hide?